Keep Those Barrels Safe and Dry and Warm and Snuggly

Doesn’t that look comfy?


There will be no further posts until the 18th. I’m flying up to Anchorage, Alaska for a wedding and I don’t expect to have internet access while I’m there. And even if I have access it would probably be rude to take much advantage of it. It’s not like the family gets together very often.

5 thoughts on “Keep Those Barrels Safe and Dry and Warm and Snuggly

  1. Glenn –

    Eccch. I hope there was a version somewhere that had properly lost the apostrophe.

    The trip was fun. And now I’m ready to sleep in my own bed again. Very ready.

    Eric –

    If I had come up with the slogans would you like them better?


  2. No, but I wouldn’t be as insulting when commenting about them. 🙂

    Eric the Ex-Coworker

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