Happy 3rd!

I’m told that Monday is the official Independence Day holiday. I haven’t actually checked. It would be easy to do. I look up much more obscure facts all the time. Taking today as the holiday just makes more sense. So that’s what my company is doing.

Have fun blowin’ stuff up y’all.

Sketch. Sketch.

I don’t see evidence of a specific project here. There’s a vague tripod that indicates I was thinking of the War of the Worlds – probably. I might have been thinking of the tripods in John Christopher’s series. Probably not. I really liked the books when I read them as a kid but I tend to forget that I’ve read them. Wells’ machines have had a greater cultural impact even if his novel was less impacting on me than Christopher’s. (I remember being mostly bored by War of the Worlds when I read it as a kid.)

Beastie and the Wasp

Based on the nose and the eyebrows I’d say all of these are portraits of Beastie. I’m not sure what’s up with long haired versions. Disguises perhaps?

Okay, not everything here is a portrait of Beastie. The weird thing in the middle of the page is a marionette wasp, an other dimensional predator that implants its eggs in human beings as part of its breeding cycle. It’s obviously not a very attractive creature so, in order to get close enough to a human to implant its eggs, it disguises itself as a human.

Zipperhead Truckin’

The chunky fellow in leather with the smiley face is Zipperhead. He’s a movie style serial killer I invented back in ’92 for the All-Cover Comics minicomics series. He’s one of those ridiculous killers that use household objects as weapons and makes wisecracks while killing you. And unlike the killers in movies these days who restrict themselves to teenagers in isolated places Zipperhead killed anybody, anywhere.

Barely Glimpsed Siblings

A couple of characters from my old Misspent Youths comic book. If neither look familiar it’s probably because neither of them appeared in more than a half dozen panels in the five published issues. The young man with the shaved head is Treacher Murphy. The young lady is his sister Marta Honeydiver. They share the same mother but have different fathers. I don’t remember now (if I ever decided) which is the older of the two.