The Gardeners

In the movie The Thing from Another World the alien invader turns out to be a mobile plant that feeds on blood. While playing with a redesign of the creature I started to wonder what sort of civilization a mobile plant would come up with. Frankly, I was stumped. A plant civilization is going to have a whole different set of wants from an animal one.

After a bit of thinking it occurred to me that just because the Thing was a plant didn’t necessarily mean that it came from a civilization of plants. It could have been the equivalent of a guard dog or a helper monkey. The ship it arrived in is destroyed. The Thing can’t (or won’t) communicate. The men who find it only assume it is the ship’s pilot.

So then I started thinking about what sort of culture would create plants to act as soldiers and servants. And I wondered what other sorts of plant creatures might they create? (And which b-movie monsters could I reimagine as plant monsters?.)

It Conquered the World

Paul Blaisdell was responsible for some very striking monster suits in a series of low budget monster movies in the fifties and sixties. Most of the suits are pretty goofy looking but that’s part of their charm. Blaisdell went that extra mile to create creatures that were unforgettable.

“Beulah”, the Venusian from It Conquered the World is a prime example of Blaisdell’s goofy imagination.

This drawing is one in my ongoing series of re-interpreting old b-movie monsters, combining what (little) I know of science and biology with the basic designs of the originals to make something new. With this one I went with the idea that Beulah was some sort of crustacean (those claws are suggestive of that) and this is the result.

Plant Soldier

I enjoy redesigning the monsters featured in old b-movies. I try to keep the creature’s basic design and add only what makes sense based on the story. In this case I was playing around with the featured thing in The Thing From Another World. It was a plant man that lived on blood. That’s an odd sort of biology. What sort of culture did it come from? What sort of environment?

A finished version of this creature can be found here.